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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2010
Well as some will know I'm on my 3rd iPad with wi-fi issues. It's been aggravating me to no end the last few months but I may have found a fix. I have not done anything different to my iPad than put my new otter box case on it and so far my wi-fi has been 100% stable for the last few days. I was worried it would get worse with the thicker case but so far it's been better!
How much are you getting paid to advertise for otterbox?

Well if I would had the same result with my apple case or belkin case then perhaps they would have got a mention. But it wernt either them to that caused my wi-fi to function better. The only difference I can tell that may be a factor in this is the way the cover shields the light sensor much more than any other cases. Perhaps this is why I'm not having anymore wi-fi issues. Funny thing is I can take this case of and it starts playing up again.
That's so odd. I'm having horrible wifi problems. I was fine on my own home network but since I've been on vacation (2 months) its been horrible.
But I'd rather have a crappy network and a beautiful naked ipad (occasionally in the apple case) than have to lug around the otterbox.
I know this sounds weird but I was having constant wifi issues at certain locations until I put the Otterbox Defender on yesterday, hasn't acted up since. Really surprised me, I have tried several other cases and it didn't make a difference but the Otterbox has definitely improved wifi issues! Sad thing is the otterbox I received has a cosmetic flaw on the hard shell and I am waiting for cs to get back to me about replacement.

You wouldn't believe it that it would possibly fix the issue but for some strange reason mine has been much much more stable with the otter box than without it. I guess people thought the same about the iPhone 4 needing a case to fix the problem but know its common knowledge! I think it has more to do with the light sensor more than anything. My signal has not dropped at all so my signal has not been affect by the beefcake case either.
You know... he might be onto something...

Mine has HORRIBLE connection issues whenever I'm attached to my Sprint Overdrive unit.. At home on my Airport Extreme it's solid. Every other device I have (macbooks, iPhone3G, iPhone 4) are all solid on the Overdrive.

The other day, I was using my macbook pro at work talking to my Overdrive, as was my iPad. I had Goodreader open and was xfering a couple large files (movies) from the MBP to the iPad. Amazingly, for the 20-30 minutes it took, NOT ONE DROP (that's basically unheard of for this setup.)

When you guys mentioned the light sensor it got me wondering if the addition of the screen protector (which I put on about a week after getting the iPad and roughly corresponds to when I started noticing Wifi issues) is what caused the issue, and whatever Goodreader does to "lock the screen" when transfering seems to have stopped the issue from taking place...

Just a shot in the dark...
I don't think it's ugly. I love the rugged look and just by the pictures I can tell it offers maximum protection. I am not liking my Speck Candyshell case so much. I've only had it for a week or two but it's so glossy and slippery. It makes me nervous that it will fall out of my hands.

Do both the Defender and the Commuter help with reception?
Not sure what is going on but I took the case off and the wifi connection began acting up again, made no other changes than the case, put the case back on and steady with no wacky wifi. Then as I was typing this thinking "yayyyyy, the case does went out again:mad:" So I am back with no wifi issues in certain places to wacky wifi in others! Case or no case of any kind.

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