You know... he might be onto something...
Mine has HORRIBLE connection issues whenever I'm attached to my Sprint Overdrive unit.. At home on my Airport Extreme it's solid. Every other device I have (macbooks, iPhone3G, iPhone 4) are all solid on the Overdrive.
The other day, I was using my macbook pro at work talking to my Overdrive, as was my iPad. I had Goodreader open and was xfering a couple large files (movies) from the MBP to the iPad. Amazingly, for the 20-30 minutes it took, NOT ONE DROP (that's basically unheard of for this setup.)
When you guys mentioned the light sensor it got me wondering if the addition of the screen protector (which I put on about a week after getting the iPad and roughly corresponds to when I started noticing Wifi issues) is what caused the issue, and whatever Goodreader does to "lock the screen" when transfering seems to have stopped the issue from taking place...
Just a shot in the dark...