Installed Yosemite yesterday. Zero problems during set-up.
At first, I thought the whole interface was too bright for my eyes. Had to level down the brightness. I have alredy gotten used to it and I may say, I like it.
With regards to performance, I can't say I have noticed a huge improvement over Mavericks... it's about the same.
I turn the option to "reduce transparency" under Accessibiluty -- although not as pleasant as the default option, seems faster.
Only glitch so far: I do not receive Facetime calls on my Mac although iMessages work just fine. I can start a call from the Macbook, but when the iPhone rings, not a single notification shows up >> this continuity feature was the one I was looking forward to.
Facetime calls work okay between the iPhone and the iPad mini retina. They show up at the same time.
Any suggestions on how to make the notifications appear when someone calls my iPhone?