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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2008
I jailbroke my 2.0.2 3G, went off w/o a hitch...

As expected, I have an empty phone now, meaning no contacts/music/itunes apps...

I thought, from what I have been reading, that after the 3G is jailbroken, that you could run the apps you purchased side by side with your apps

Is there a way to get these to work together so apps i already purchased from itunes will go back onto my phone, as well as contacts, etc...

i tried to restore from backup but i get error message "the backup cannot be restored to this iphone because the software on the iphone is too old"

did i do something wrong during the jailbreak?

thanks in advance..
Try and re-download one of your free apps again; you should get a message something to the effect of "you've already downloaded this app, would you like to download again?" - If you get that you could go and re-download everything manually.

When you did jailbroke the new phone, did you give it the same name as your old one? That might be why its having a problem restoring everything. (I dont know, I'm just guessing).

I know I have a jailbroken phone and run jailbroken apps (from Cydia and Installer) as well as my App Store Apps without any problems.
Try and re-download one of your free apps again; you should get a message something to the effect of "you've already downloaded this app, would you like to download again?" - If you get that you could go and re-download everything manually.

When you did jailbroke the new phone, did you give it the same name as your old one? That might be why its having a problem restoring everything. (I dont know, I'm just guessing).

I know I have a jailbroken phone and run jailbroken apps (from Cydia and Installer) as well as my App Store Apps without any problems.

I CAN re-download my apps again (i tried one, and it gave me the "you already purchased/would you like download again" message)...but...this does not concern me so much as it does my music and contacts...

how were you able to have your stuff (music/contacts/apps/mail settings)there when the jailbreak was completed? or was it not there, and you had to re-add it all/set it all back up from scratch?
I've found its easier after pwning to just set your phone up as new, rather than trying to restore from backup. Depends on if you have a lot in the backup that you can't retrieve elsewhere, but for me I just resync my contacts (I'm using Google) and setup my email (Gmail). Because all of that info is stored on the server, its all back available once I set it up again.
When I tried to restore from backup, it took forever (much longer than just reinstalling the apps) plus I kept getting in this weird loop where I would restore but then iTunes would ask me again if I wanted to restore or set up as new. After you set your phone up as new, you just select the applications in iTunes that you want to sync/install and they will be copied to your phone. They work perfectly well side by side with the Cydia/Installer apps.
following your advice, and was just going to re-sync everything, when i noticed that i couldn't restore from backup because 2.0.1 is my new firmware...i HAD 2.0.2 on it before i there a pwnage tool for mac that will jailbreak 2.0.2, or is this what iphone-dev hasnt released yet? i am pretty sure now the reason i cant backup is because of the 2.0.1/2.0.2 conflict...
following your advice, and was just going to re-sync everything, when i noticed that i couldn't restore from backup because 2.0.1 is my new firmware...i HAD 2.0.2 on it before i there a pwnage tool for mac that will jailbreak 2.0.2, or is this what iphone-dev hasnt released yet? i am pretty sure now the reason i cant backup is because of the 2.0.1/2.0.2 conflict...

Right now, this is what hasn't been developed yet -- you can only Pwn 2.0.2 using QuickPwn for Windows, and even that is not officially supported by them.

OTOH, this shouldn't stop you from restoring. I restored my 1.1.4 stuff on top of my 2.0.1 (j/b and unlocked) upgrade just fine...
i am in the middle of re-syncing with the new setup, since i couldnt figure out how to get the iphone to take my backup i made before i jailbroke...
following your advice, and was just going to re-sync everything, when i noticed that i couldn't restore from backup because 2.0.1 is my new firmware...i HAD 2.0.2 on it before i there a pwnage tool for mac that will jailbreak 2.0.2, or is this what iphone-dev hasnt released yet? i am pretty sure now the reason i cant backup is because of the 2.0.1/2.0.2 conflict...

Nothing for 2.0.2 for the Mac yet - if you don't have access to a Windows-only PC you can try and do it via VMWare or Parallels..

They are working for a Mac version, but as they say on their blog: Our Mac GUI whizzes in the team are working on a graphical Mac OS X version of QuickPwn and also adding some nice little tweaks to the next release of PwnageTool. As soon as these are finished and tested, we’ll let you know, but don’t hold your breath and refresh for these, the release is not imminent.
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