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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 19, 2009
Its hard to imagine what the redesign will look like, all past redesigns have been so vast and different ... here are some ideas, although i don't think Apple will go down the whole touch route, maybe on the iMac screen maybe as a small feature, who knows .... I think overall they will just get THINNER, SMALLER hardware section, FASTER, HOWEVER i think it still may be the screen as it is now, it will just get thinner and thinner until it is just like how the old keyboard changed to the new one, just mind blowing thin (i am not saying that the iMac will be like the keyboard thinness, just illustrating how the size will get smaller and better). I cant imagine any MODERN practical design as of right now, like in the pass (before the flat screen design of current) the previous designs kinda made the Mac look more of a toy-ish kid-ish type if thing, whereas now they look professional, and that's the route Apple likes now, so i think the design will evolve to more professional looking, thoughts?






Wantwantwantwantwant...:D in the [past] the previous designs kinda made the Mac look more of a toy-ish kid-ish type if thing...

That I unfortunately have to disagree with. If there was one other professional looking computer that they produced, it was that G4 iMac. How many designers / offices loved that? Having a work of art that could swivel and rotate the way it did, situating itself to the right viewing angle for almost anyone. Awesomely business casual if I do say so. :)


But where would they fit the components? I almost wish they could put the components in a separate piece, like a 2nd power brick or something. This way, nothing would risk overheating nearly as seriously and the odds are that the widespread reports of Imacs dying two years after purchase would likely go down dramatically.
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