me at an orchestra concert on halloween in the John Kerry mask. I'm supporting him, not mocking him.
LMFAO sorry but that is classic.
To all others, I'd like to hear your music...I'm not in a band I just act like I am.
Check out my band in my sig!
here's me playing at a fest in chicago
I know some plastic surgeons...This is what my band looks like:
Now I'm not commenting on your ability, or your sound (b/c quite honestly I haven't heard you), but that picture (at a music festival perhaps?) looks like a fiddle pluck away from an embarrassing high school experience.
yeah, 2 more are on our myspace (ugh) at They're also available in MP3 format in that link in our media section just under Paddy Ryan's Despair. Thanks for the kudos.Edit: After hearing your song "Paddy Ryan's Despair" off your website, I do have to say you guys are quite good. Bravo...any more mp3's layin' around the series of tubes?