Just wanna see what people bought that was from Apple this year. Here is mine:
Apple iPhone 4
Apple iPhone 5
30 pin cable
Lightning Cable
Apple TV 3rd Gen
Mid 2012 MacBook Pro
Retina macbook pro, New ipad, 2x iPhone5, a powermac g5 case for my hack, keyboard, mouse, trackpad, apple tv, and cables and adapters galore. Expensive year so far.
-27" iMac
-13" MacBook Pro
-16gb "New" iPad
-Airport Extreme
-Airport Express
-2 of the watch sized iPod Nanos (one for me and one for my wife)
-and an iPhone 4s for the wife
- iPad (3rd Generation), 32GB Wifi in black
- (Yesterday ) Macbook Pro Retina 2.6GHz, 16GB Ram, 512GB SSD
Absolutely love both purchases. They are, in my opinion, both complementary and both perfect. The Macbook Pro Retina is stunning, in both clarity of the screen, the performance, the size, and in overall design...
I've purchases this year in , I believe, chronologic order:
- Apple Thunderbolt Display
- iPad 3 32GB 4G black
- leather smart cover
- Apple trackpad
- MacBook Pro 15" non unibody mid 2012
- Retina Macbook Pro + Apple Care
- smartcase
- iPhone 5 32GB White
Apple products sold this year:
- MacBook Pro 15 non-unibody
- MacBook Air 11" 2011 model.
As you can see I first went with the non-uniboby MBP but very soon changed it for the rMBP.
30pin was for my car when I had the iPhone 4 and the lightening is for my car for the 5. I have my cables that came with the phones in an area that I don't wanna try to get out everyday (i.e. behind a heavy nightstand) so I got the extra cables to prevent moving it.