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Studying FCPX on my iPad

Outstanding! Congrads!

Just graduated from Physician Assistant school. Any other PA's out there?

Congrads! That is no easy task. I know too many think that P.A.'s are glorified nurses but you are more important in today's healthcare system than some Doctors I have known.
There was a program a lot like this in Alaska I strongly considered doing. But it's only recognized there for work out in the remote Bush villages, and with my wife still active duty in the Air force it did not seem worth the money or time.
At any rate, pat yourself on the back, put an: "I am F-in Awesome!" post it note on your bathroom mirror in the morning and hopefully get out to clinic life. Don't late the cynical patients get you down. In my 10 years of chairside life (what it's called for an oral surgery Lead/assistant) you meet some real doozies that make you question why the hell you ever went into medicine. Then you meet the gems that you will remember for a lifetime. Remember the rotation through the E.R. Triage is not only paramount, it is an art that only comes with experience. A dark sense of humor is completely normal but please do not let it bleed into the blind apathy I have seen on more faces that I would like to remember. Medicine is like parenthood. It's long, hard, exhausting hours for very little gratitude in the short term and at times that is a high price to shoulder, but in the long run? It's damned worth it. I still question to this day walking away from medicine and taking my computer hobby into my profession.
Sheesh, sorry for being long winded. I guess I am still more passionate about medicine then I thought. Congrads, Godspeed (if you are religious) and enjoy one of the most rewarding jobs you could ever have.

P.S. Get a really good assistant that can run interference with Medical Reps. They are a breed of vulture that could make a used car salesman ***** his polyester breeches.. :D
Histology =(



Can't wait to be done with the test on Friday.

--- that reminds me. Why am I here? Should be in the library. See you folks later ;)
Working toward being a X-Ray Tech. Off for the summer but taking the following in the Fall:

English 114
Business, Money Managment
Goverment, Fund. of crime and criminal behavior
Golf and Basketball
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