Some people, myself included, find it interesting. Now run along.
No need for the stupid comment, child.
I was simply asking what the OP finds interesting about it. The desktop picture is just a picture and I can't for the life of me understand how or why anyone would be interested in your desktop icons or dock. I am genuinely puzzled as to how or why this might be interesting.
My aging PowerMac G5. Waiting on a new MacMini to be announced. I used to have 2x20" Apple Cinema Displays, but I never used the other, so I went down to one. I'm sure I'll find a reason to use the other ACD soon enough.
Work Laptop
My MacBook Pro and Pismo PowerBook have not changed much as I seem to use them less and less. I'm obviously a fan of Interfacelift.
Sounds like we are back where we started. Run along.
... if you have nothing of substance to add then just close the thread, no need to comment. Some people enjoy seeing wallpapers and some of the other aesthetic changes people have made. What's the harm? Just because you don't see it doesn't mean other don't appreciate it.
MacBook Pro & G5
Link please!