Here is my setup (not sure if it qualifies as "Hi Fi", but I like it):
Mac Mini
Denon AVR 4311CI
2 Emotiva UPA-1 amps
Project Debut III, Speedbox, Belari VP129 phono amp
Panasonic Bluray
Oppo 980H (for SACDs and DVD-As)
Apple TV2
Roku 2 XS
Directv HD DVR
Monitor Audio Silver RS6, RS LCR, RSFX, eD A2-300 sub
I have a couple other systems with NHT SB2 speakers in the bedroom and office, but I mainly use the main system when I listen to speakers. I also have some headphone setups around, but I will save that info for another thread.
I voted for Mac Mini since I use it as my main music server with a few airplay devices around the house. I also listen to music on a MBP, iMac, iPhone and iPad (thanks to MOG and airplay), but the mini is the main source.