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Original poster
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
What is your D'OH moment of the day?

(Pictures or it didn't happen)

This is mine.

In a rush to.. well.. and no ass gaskits! The management isn't protecting me!


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Not really d'oh, yellow dude, but still annoying and perhaps avoidable.


That is the West London Magistrate's Court where I was requested, amongst others, to make an appearance earlier today for reasons which I'm unable to discuss.
How tantalizing!

You know me. Trouble.

Would have posted my other d'oh moment from a week or so back when I was stuck in an elevator for almost an hour without my phone, but no pics. Was eventually rescued by emergency services after raising the alarm... unfortunately not carried out in the arms of a George Clooney lookalike firefighter. The woman who raised the alarm told them I was pregnant, god knows why, so it provoked a mass turnout of ambulance crew.

How we laughed.
I tripped walking up the steps at work this morning because I was too busy drinking coffee. There were three people on the steps behind me. At least I didn't fall down the steps on top of them.

lost 500 dollars in the stock market today because i wasn't watching my charts :(
Same kids were singing and doing something with their hands .... I realized like 5 minutes later that they were singing in sign language too. Sorry, no picture.
I surely know my moment. Damn.

So, It snowed here in The Netherlands. Big Time.

And every times that happens, the whole public transportation system just collapes. And this time was no different.

So, I waited for one freakin' hour (below 0 degrees celsius) for the train to come. It arrived, but I should have known better. It was cramped, couldn't fit one more single soul.

They had to put all those people from normally 6 trains into one train.

Eventually I left the station without ever getting on a train.

In the second picture, the man just closed the train and said sorry. It just won't fit.

I made a quick TwitPic.


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I had this on trains here in the UK. Standing up like that for three hours isn't good.
Wait...doesn't it usually snow a lot in the netherlands??? You'd think they would know how to deal with it.

Yes, but this winter and the one before are extreme. They are just not that good prepared. Snow falls early this year, very early. It was snowing here in the beginning of November. It all has its direct links with the climate change.

Our roads are being salted when snow appears. But there's always something. Now there are rumors or articles in the news that we're running out of salt.

And with most cars just being Front Wheel Drive (FWD), we get a lot of stuff going on.

Yesterday, the first day of snow since it all went away from a few weeks ago, there still was a 200KM traffic jam at 4.00 PM.

Have in mind that from the absolute southwest place I could think of to the absolute northeast place I could think of it's a 360KM drive. The longest possible. So, Holland is small and that traffic jam is big. Especially considering it was not solved until 5 PM.

There's always something.
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I don't have a picture, but yesterday at the end of my workday, I had just finished up the last computer for the day, it was all good. Then I spotted the new hard drive I was supposed to install lying next to it.
It happened just 20 minutes ago. I had a full mug of coffee in my hand and I bent down to pick up a piece of paper off the floor, forgetting that mugs with liquid need to stay upright and it dumped all over the kitchen floor. :eek:
Helloooo =]

I saw One of your replies today when i was tryna find out how to install safari
onto my mac ..
Do you think maybe you can send me a zipped safari???:)
the man just closed the train and said sorry. It just won't fit.

That's what she said. Sorry, Couldn't resist it.

No pics, but while my roommates and I were shoveling our driveway for 3 hours after snowmageddon I slipped and fell into a 5-6 foot pile of snow and got my feet snuck in a near by drift, resulting in snow in my shoes, which meant i danced on hardened snow trying to get the snow out of my shoes, making me fall more. It was horrible.
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