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Lil Chillbil

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 30, 2012
the title says it all, and yes I know that this a picture thread so don't comment cause I have some many its hard to choose. will post mine later in the thread:D
I'm unsure if I have the title right ... but I'll give it a shot.

1st - Steve Jobs & John Mayer at special event for music/itunes/ipod live performance!!
(Today I don't think GarageBand would have been an 'optional installation' on OSX)

2. - Steve Jobs opening for Wynton Marsalis ... Marsalis' performance and how such a stuck-up and unknowing crowd really roared in elation of that whole moment!!
definitely the original iphone keynote without a doubt had the biggest impact on the technology world and just an emotional connection for us tech lovers
This one for sure.
Going to an orchard in Michigan with my mother when I was around 10. There was a huge barn filled to the rafters with bushel baskets of apples and the smell was heaven! I'm pretty sure they were Macintosh, too.

At this point in time, neither of the Steves were even born and the nearest computer was in a clean room serviced by IBM suites. White coats, I mean.

when Steve first showed the world what Mac OS X was…

YouTube: video

It has always fascinated me how much OS X has matured over the years ;)

When steve revealed that OSX was secretly developed for both PowerPc and Intel Mac's in anticipation for the Intel change over...i dont remember the year...they even showed the Intel Bunny sawing away at a Mac from the 90's commercial
From what I've read all the signs point to it being left as a tribute to Steve. Do you have a source for it being Ive's seat?

Jony Ive couldn't be with anyone from Apple at that point because he was hurt too much, so he didn't come to the keynote, since Steve was already on his death bed. As you know, he passed away the next day. Also, this was the same reason Ive didn't attend the Steve Jobs memorial event at Apple Campus.

Ah, memories, memories...of of huge corporation and it's products.

There are just so many emotional moments. The memories haunt me, especially at night.

I'm getting so emotional now...I don't think I can go on...

The memories...

I was waiting in line for the original iPad on launch day. I didn't expect Steve Wozniak would be waiting in line just ahead of me. I also didn't expect getting him to sign my original iPad. Many expectations were broken (in a good way) that day.
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