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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
I have seen much talk about both the Canon and Nikon 50mm "intro" lenses used on an DSLR.

For my FOV, I do not find these lenses helpful for my shooting style. I much prefer a 12-24 Tokina. Would love to see tons of images from those that feel the 50mm lens is a must have.


macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2004
Me too.

What about a 35mm lens though on a DSLR? Surely more flexible - gives about a classic 50mm FOV? Nikon do a couple, F2 I think is fastest?


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
These pics are with an ef 50mm f/1.4 not f/1.8. :) I am using a rebel xt so they are effectlvely 85mm (1.6x Crop). I hope they still qualify.

I am trying to make a photo essay on Christiania.
It used to be legal to sell soft drugs in Christiania. The government cracked down on this 2 years ago. Ever since, tensions have been high between residents and inhabitants and criminality has been on the rise. Yesterday 2 young men were assaulted by resident pushers with baseball bats, for trying to sell 5g of hashish. The police have been conducting random searches for weapons all day. I am going to try and document both sides of the story over the next couple of weeks.

Let me know what you think. P.S. What a rush!!:D


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Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
cookie1105 said:
These pics are with an ef 50mm f/1.4 not f/1.8. :) I am using a rebel xt so they are effectlvely 85mm (1.6x Crop). I hope they still qualify.

Yep they qualify. I was interested in seeing use of the 50mm lens on any APS-C sized sensor camera.

I am trying to make a photo essay on Christiania.
It used to be legal to sell soft drugs in Christiania. The government cracked down on this 2 years ago. Ever since, tensions have been high between residents and inhabitants and criminality has been on the rise. Yesterday 2 young men were assaulted by resident pushers with baseball bats, for trying to sell 5g of hashish. The police have been conducting random searches for weapons all day. I am going to try and document both sides of the story over the next couple of weeks.

Let me know what you think. P.S. What a rush!!:D

Interesting background. I hope that you will post a thread of the final project.

That being said, I am not sure that these two images tell a story. Much like the images that I have posted here on MR of Memorial Day doings, I am not sure that some of the images could stand alone.

Photojournalism requires that emotion be shown through the single image. Sometimes it requires a series of pictures and words to set that emotion in place.

Please continue to share your images.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I agree with you wholeheartedly Chip. These images don't tell a story by themselves. They are just pictures of the police arresting somebody.

Today was really a recce, hopefully over the next couple of weeks I will get those few elusive shots that stand alone and require no words of explanation!

I do really like your pics Chip. Your pic on the POTD thread #79 I think is brilliant. Alot of depth and detail. It can stand alone!

I assume that memorial day weekend is like rememberance sunday in the U.K.?

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
cookie1105 said:
I do really like your pics Chip. Your pic on the POTD thread #79 I think is brilliant. Alot of depth and detail. It can stand alone!

Thanks for the warm words.

I have always loved showing life through photos. Photographers like Hines, Capra, and Bresson have inspired me. Wish I had a better view on my own work, maybe I would be doing something different to pay the bills. :)

I assume that memorial day weekend is like rememberance sunday in the U.K.?

A quick Google confirmed that you are right. Though 11/11 is Veterans Day here in the US, remembering all of those that served our Nation in the military.


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2003
Cincinnati, OH
I just ordered that lens 10 mins ago because everyone was talking so highly about it will be here on Thursday and I will post some pictures from it.

fireball jones

macrumors member
May 31, 2006
Figured this would be a good thread for my first post... as I love the 50mm on my D50. I have the kit 18-55 and the 70-300G as well, but I'd say the 50 has been on the camera 90% of the time since I got it. I took these two this weekend (click for the 1280 version):

Let me know what you think ;)


macrumors member
Apr 1, 2004
Two Words: Low Light

That is the reason I have this little "cheap" lens. Plus it is sharp as a tack, and weighs nothing so I don't worry about throwing in my bag when I go out to shoot. I highly recommend picky one up, you won't regret it. IMHO

Here is a shot of my wife, a little PS work went into to it, but before I worked on it is was way too sharp for a womans portrait.


Fresh Veggies


Simply put just order the lens, it is only $99 if you don't like it you can return it or sell it for close to what you paid.


macrumors regular
May 27, 2004



Taken on a Canon 20D. I'll try to upload some 1DMKIIN and 5D shots later if you wish. I'm away from home and don't have access to my harddrives.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
So I have had the 50mm 1.4 for about a week now. I love it and I know that it is not coming off for at least a couple of thousand photos (mainly because my other lens is the kit lens:) ) This is one of the first photos that I took with this lens.

ISO 100
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