I ordered it straight with no milk or sugar

It was pretty difficult to drink but I figured that I would be jittery enough already with the caffeine shots that I don't need any more sugar

I agree, it is well-priced
Basically from a night owl to a more normal person.

I used to nap right when I get home from classes, any where from 3-6. And then sleep virtually 10 hours then get up for a little bit of hw time and then classes. I realized that wasn't enough for studying time. So I switched to bed at 10pm/11pm and then wake up at 4am/5am to study until classes around 9:30am/10am. To help this schedule, I go to the Starbucks by my school to work and sip some coffee. It's working surprisingly well - I feel so much better with a more consistent sleeping schedule and working better as well.