Link's Awakening for 3DS.
Nothing quite like buying a game for the third time, to hype yourself up for buying Ocarina of Time for the third time.
Sounds like my idea of a healthy lunch!
After about 4 years of running nearly 24/7, my Icy Dock enclosure decided to die this morningSo I've ordered the updated version of it, which looks exactly the same.
cut picture
Hopefully it'll arrive asap, as I currently have no way to easily access any of my work or media, which unfortunately includes all the kids' TV shows and movies. So no Scooby-Doo or Barbie films for the next few days, I'm sure that's going to go down really well.
Blockbuster closing down sale. Bought a bunch of 360 games for half price
That's cool, I didn't really know that Red Bull was a carrier too.
be careful with the tours! i was at the gym one day and i took out tours one day and the rubber part got stuck in my ear. had to go to the hospital to get it removed. they said if it went any deeper that i would of had to get surgery. thank goodness it didnt, but just be careful!
Samsung Galaxy s 2
Running on Telstra NeXT G A truly great phone on a truly expensive, overpriced network
fixed it for you![]()
I can actually see this happening. They were delivered yesterday and I opened them but my excitement died down very quickly. I couldn't find a tip that would stay in and I'd have to push them in very hard.
Aside from that the quality wasn't anything special and they overall didn't feel like they had a solid build. I really wanted them for the cord but that didnt' impressive me as much as I thought it would either. Overall they were a let down to me. They're already packed up to get sent back. Now its time to hunt for a replacement.