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macrumors Core
Original poster
Feb 9, 2008
Mod note: Here is a list of the previous threads:

Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 2)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 3)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 4)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 5)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 6)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 7)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 8)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 9)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 10)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 11)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 12)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 13) »Current thread«

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After weeks of messing around with defective monitors, finally got my dream setup:

Works great and I love it. Now I just need the 5870, so I don't have to use 2 video cards.
Why do we need a part 13?:confused:

Oh okay, the other one is closed.

I dont really have a setup with my Mac since its a laptop and im always moving it about.

I'll help :cool:


...and now:

You can guess where the money from that 3rd 30" went :D :apple:

I keep most of my books on it...hoping to get another monitor soon.
i just got a macbook pro 13in this morning at bestbuy i love this trying to get some new setup for it as it used my mac mini's time machine which helped
I'll help :cool:

You can guess where the money from that 3rd 30" went :D :apple:

I keep most of my books on it...hoping to get another monitor soon.

From the pictures I can conclude you traded a 30" monitor, your Canon 70-200mm, and the orange frog for an iPad. :p
Here's my setup. Nothing fantastic about it.

2009 27" iMac 12GB Ram. Blah Blah.
Logitech Speakers.
Platronics GameCom headset.
iPhone 4 32GB
iPad 3G + Wifi 64GB
Panasonic 42" Plasma HDTV
Xbox 360 not shown
Macbook Pro 15" not shown

Here's my setup as of today! Sorry about the image quality, took the photo with my iPhone as my brother has stole my camera for the weekend. I'll post a better quality image when I get it back.


The Xbox and Win7 PC are for Gaming and Media and my MacBook is for work!
This is my new setup, I am still playing around with it

It is kinda dark but I like it dark^^

I also can't stand wood I don't know why, but that is just a personal preference ;)

When its daylight again I'll try taking another picture if there is interest
Here it is.

No more PowerBook. Love the new Mac Mini, I would put in an SSD, but they're still too expensive, and I really don't need one. Its extremely quiet anyway.

Stock Mac Mini 2.4ghz + 4gb of RAM (Crucial off Newegg)
20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)
Bose Companion 2 speakers
64gb iPad WiFi
160gb iPod Classic

Hello all..I just stepped over to the Mac World about a month ago, here is what I use and loving every minute of it :D

Cleaned up a bit:


  • Photo Oct 10, 4 31 01 PM.jpg
    Photo Oct 10, 4 31 01 PM.jpg
    64.5 KB · Views: 762
How are going about mounting the powerbrick behind the desk? I would like mine off my desk aswell.

Well, I just did it, I used green strip putty (I can't remember the name), looks like this only a pine-green


I mounted it to the back of the desk, worked really well, just take 2 very small (half inch or so) peices and stick it on. It cleans up pretty easily off plastic, just don't try putting it on dry wall or plaster. (Hence, why I put it on the back of the desk, it wont come off very well, but who looks at the back of the desk?)
Well, I just did it, I used green strip putty (I can't remember the name), looks like this only a pine-green

I mounted it to the back of the desk, worked really well, just take 2 very small (half inch or so) peices and stick it on. It cleans up pretty easily off plastic, just don't try putting it on dry wall or plaster. (Hence, why I put it on the back of the desk, it wont come off very well, but who looks at the back of the desk?)

Alright. I'll go look for that or something similar at Wal-Mart or Target.

Thanks for the tips PowerGamerX
No more PowerBook. Love the new Mac Mini, I would put in an SSD, but they're still too expensive, and I really don't need one. Its extremely quiet anyway.

Stock Mac Mini 2.4ghz + 4gb of RAM (Crucial off Newegg)
20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)
Bose Companion 2 speakers
64gb iPad WiFi
160gb iPod Classic


Wow! I love your setup.
The Mac Mini looks amazing
not to mention all that other nice stuff on your desk :)
Wow! I love your setup.
The Mac Mini looks amazing
not to mention all that other nice stuff on your desk :)

Thank you! :D I always like getting comments and feedback.

I've always been a huge fan of clean desktop setups, not much of a laptop or all-in-one guy, as I like ease of upgrading and replacing things, and while the Mac Mini was far from that, its a good medium, as its cheap(er) compared to the rest of the mac lineup, and is cheap enough that in 2-3 years I don't mind dropping the cash on another one. Also like doing some semi-pro/hobby image editing, so the 20" Cinema Display is great for me.
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