Partly academic question, partly not...
Ok, when someone buys a copy of OS X, the EULA dictates that they only install it on a computer made by Apple.
Question: if I start upgrading my Mac Pro (possibly changing out the Motherboard/CPU, harddrives, et), at what point does it no longer qualify as an "Apple" computer? If I swap out everything inside my case for newer and better components, is it still considered an "Apple" computer?
Any idea where the line is drawn?
Ok, when someone buys a copy of OS X, the EULA dictates that they only install it on a computer made by Apple.
Question: if I start upgrading my Mac Pro (possibly changing out the Motherboard/CPU, harddrives, et), at what point does it no longer qualify as an "Apple" computer? If I swap out everything inside my case for newer and better components, is it still considered an "Apple" computer?
Any idea where the line is drawn?