I work for my school district and we're doing a bunch of spring cleaning (summer... whatever) and before 2001 our district was mainly apple oriented.
such as I already picked up another (slightly damaged) imac g3 which I plan to gut and turn into a real pc.
however I saw what looked like a one of those giant terminals from fall out 3 with an apple sticker on it and thought "golly gee gosh that's cool, and I want it" and that may become a reality as all of my bosses (except 1) are new this year and have been handing out things "for the trash" left and right.
only my neon's trunk intercepts the trash bin... either way I digress.
would there be any point in apple computers older than a g3 imac?
or would it eat up trunk space like the pentium 3 I keep forgetting to remove from my trunk?
I also found a new in box apple emate, with documentation and everything. hoping that goes to the trash too lol.
such as I already picked up another (slightly damaged) imac g3 which I plan to gut and turn into a real pc.
however I saw what looked like a one of those giant terminals from fall out 3 with an apple sticker on it and thought "golly gee gosh that's cool, and I want it" and that may become a reality as all of my bosses (except 1) are new this year and have been handing out things "for the trash" left and right.
only my neon's trunk intercepts the trash bin... either way I digress.
would there be any point in apple computers older than a g3 imac?
or would it eat up trunk space like the pentium 3 I keep forgetting to remove from my trunk?
I also found a new in box apple emate, with documentation and everything. hoping that goes to the trash too lol.