Maybe they are not - though it's possible, no? In any case, I want to know exactly how long the power cord is (yes, even if it's the same length as the 21.5" one)... so how long is it?
Aaah! Thank you joelhansenlol - that was very helpful indeed. The reason I needed to know, is that I'm getting an articulated arm to hang the iMac from (haven't ordered the iMac yet), and the arm has a cord management system - basically you get to thread the cord through the arm, so as to hide it... but unfortunately, the plug (connector) at the end won't fit through the tubes, so there must be enough cord to go through the entire arm before it reaches the plug. The arm itself has a 44" reach, plus a few inches at the top (so one can tilt the screen). It's gonna be a close call, but I think it can just fit in!