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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Springfield, Ohio
Howdy folks, I'm wanting to sell my tower and move to a new Intel mini. What is the consensus on the value of the system/specs below?

Power Mac G4 FireWire 800 system (M8841LL/A)
Dual Power PC 7455 G4 1.42Ghz CPUs
2 MB DDR L3 Cache Per/CPU
120 GB Hard Drive
4x SuperDrive
ATI Radeon 9000 Pro AGP Video (Dual Display) ADC & DVI
FireWire 400 & 800
Apple Pro Mouse
(NO keyboard)

*Includes USB 2.0 PCI Card
*Includes USB 1.1 PCI Card
*Airport Extreme Card Included
*D-Link BlueTooth dongle Included

I've treated it very gently, and will be shipping in original box.

Is something in the ballpark of $1000 shipped a fair deal?
jtfolden said:
Is something in the ballpark of $1000 shipped a fair deal?

In the UK I regularly see DP 1.42 G4s go for between £700-900 depending on spec. So before Monday I'd say $1000 would have been achievable for you.

However, with DP G5s now reportedly going for $1000 due to the new Mac Pro's, the resale value of the G4s has been dented considerably. You could get anything from $600 I guess.

As you say, you're getting an intel mini to replace the G4 with and for many people, spending that much on a G4 no longer makes sense when for a bit more a G5 could be had (or indeed a new, top spec Mini).

Edit: The video card you have could add a bit extra to the value but not that much.
I'd say prices haven't fallen near as far as you might fear. This week, I've seen far lesser machines going for far, far more than $600 dollars. There just aren't enough 1.42DP's around to accurately gauge their actual value. I've seen a couple 'loaded' ones go for $1000+ which is why I figured something in the areas of $900-$1000 shipped might be decent.

The video card is stock, though... I think all the FW800 systems had them by default.

Thanks for the response.



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Since Monday, a lot of G5 PMs have been selling in the $900-$1300 area, including a lot of dual 1.8 machines.

Therefore, a reasonable price would be in the $700-900 window. $700 isn't a floor, but as your machine has a smaller HD and no keyboard, $700-750 seems reasonable for your specific machine.

That's a cool site, Gary. And yup, I just went through the calculator and it came up with $722 for that machine.

The values will tumble in the coming weeks once more and more G5s are replaced with Mac Pros and put up for sale.
I'm counting on it!

I'm looking for a dual 2GHz G5 but as an independent filmmaker I have very limited resources, so I'm waiting for them to hit $1200... It's getting close. :)

If anyone wants to offer me their G5 in the next few weeks, I'm looking for a dual 2GHz which can take a traditional PCI card and preferably has a video card with two DVI outputs, and can hit my $1200 price target, drop me a line. :D
That's a pretty cool site. :)

The machine in question ended up selling for approximately $800 shipped, so that site was only off by around 20 in it's estimation.

Not as much as one might hope but well more than one would fear. :D
jtfolden said:
That's a pretty cool site. :)

The machine in question ended up selling for approximately $800 shipped, so that site was only off by around 20 in it's estimation.

Not as much as one might hope but well more than one would fear. :D

Cool, I'm glad you didn't get burnt with it. I'd say $800 is pretty good.

I have a Sawtooth that I'm going to sell pretty soon. 400MHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD, 15" LCD Monitor - I'll be lucky to get £150 for it!
wow, the prices really are falling. I was lucky to get $1300 for my G4 just a few days after the Mac Pro was released.
AlBDamned said:
Cool, I'm glad you didn't get burnt with it. I'd say $800 is pretty good.

I have a Sawtooth that I'm going to sell pretty soon. 400MHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD, 15" LCD Monitor - I'll be lucky to get £150 for it!

Yes, Apple completed it's Intel transition so quickly that i think the G4 sales landscape is suffering from sudden "shock and awe". lol You can practically see the numbers tumble before your eyes in the last 2 weeks. Dual 1ghz machines are even going for under $500 US now. Some of Apple's best yesteryear systems going for bargain basement prices...
macgeek2005 said:
wow, the prices really are falling. I was lucky to get $1300 for my G4 just a few days after the Mac Pro was released.

Yup, when I first looked around at pricing and thinking about selling, my unit seemed to average $1050 for a stock system and within a couple of weeks that average was dropping below $800.
mmmmm... this kind of thread makes my decisions so hard. You can get a lot of used mac for not much atm. . . I love these depressed values.
xPismo said:
mmmmm... this kind of thread makes my decisions so hard. You can get a lot of used mac for not much atm. . . I love these depressed values.
Yeah it does. So maybe we should stop torturing ourselves by looking at all these machines.
Are you seeing what I am seeing? PM G4s are WAY overpriced on Los Angeles craigslist. I guess I better turn to eBay so I can pick up a good deal.
LBmacman said:
Are you seeing what I am seeing? PM G4s are WAY overpriced on Los Angeles craigslist. I guess I better turn to eBay so I can pick up a good deal.

I saw a Dual 2 G5 for 1090 BIN on eBay...I better sell this thing as soon as I can. I saw a PM G4 go for 1300 on eBay. The prices are all over the place.
for what the G4's are now going for, it's worth it to keep imho. if you can't get more than $800, maybe it's worth it to keep for burning dvds and just music and photos.

i was going to sell mine as i'm in the market for a g5 dually something, but i'm going to keep it (that website said $736 for me). better keep it to help with the busy times...

doh! :)

i guess this means the G5 prices will look nice very soon :)

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