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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 11, 2005
Little grey, chilly island.
Anybody got any ideas? Here's my problem:

Firstly, my Powermac seems to hang a lot - or if it's not hanging it crashes individual programs a lot! For example, I notice in particular if I am using an external USB 2 Hard drive it doesn't usually copy all the files I ask it to will get to say 3.25 Gig out of 10 Gig and hang. It's a restart needed.

Another case (where the aforementioned drive is now off) is that it will say a program is open but it won't actually bring it on screen. If I go to the Force Quit menu, it tells me the program is not responding.

Prior to this recent crop of problems, I've never had a mac hang on me so this is extremely unusual.

The main problem however is Audio issues:

I used to be able to run around 20 instances of the East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra - now with just two intances I hear a large "POP" and the sound goes dead.

It can be fixed by restarting logic, but then as soon as it plays more than a couple of samples together, we get this POP. The CPU meter (both within logic and the Activity Monitor) is reading 10% load, and I have 1.5Gig of ram that tells me there is 700 Free!

So, what on earth could it be? Sometimes it will behave itself (although the audio thing is a big problem as I have a huge project approaching) and sometimes I wil restart 3-4 times in a day?

Incidentally, I thought it was the Hard Drive and replaced it and tre-installed OS from scratch and the problem remains. I'm desparate, help me!! :( :eek: :(
I've just read on google that somebody else has had problems with 10.4.7 on their Powerbook - anybody else having these issues regarding audio or general unreliability?

Also, could it be the ram? I don't want to mess around inside unless I have to...
It could be either RAM or the OS update. Did you notice these problems before or after the OS X.4.7 update? If it was after the update, then its probably an issue with the update.

The only way to test the RAM is to take out any added RAM, leaving only the Apple RAM installed. If it still does it, then put that RAM back in and take the Apple RAM out. If it goes away then its the RAM, if it doesn't then its not RAM. This will probably only fix your kernel panic issue.

You may also have a logicboard problem. A problem with the logicboard would make OS X kernel panic and also make the audio not function properly. You can try running the Apple Hardware Test CD which is probably on the first PowerMac G5 restore DVD. Put that in and restart the computer, and then hold down the Option key after the Mac Chime. Then choose Apple Hardware Test.
Thanks for your help. I took out the stock 512 Ram and just left my 1Gig that I added when I purchased it and it seems to be MUCH more reliable. I've also installed all the updates for Logic and my samplers and they seem to be better too.

Many thanks for your help mklos! :)
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