is it possible to enable powernap for macbook pros with builtin ssd ? My 2010mbp has ssd and i want to benefit from powernap.
Apart from that, does powernap do itunes airplay to apple tv?
defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1
if the only requirement is a flash based drive like ssd it would be unfair if apple only enables it for new generation macbooks.
I'm sure someone will work it out.
Just like how AirDrop in Lion can be enabled using the following code in terminal
Code:defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1
if the only requirement is a flash based drive like ssd it would be unfair if apple only enables it for new generation macbooks.
I thought Airdrop is already in Lion? My GF's MBA 2011 is on Lion and I just used Airdrop to transfer a file from my 10.8 to her 10.7.4. CMD + Shift + R I think??