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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 4, 2006
Which is better? and can you really tell the diffrince? i have a ibook G4 (one of the last made) and is the macbook really 5x faster?
I'm pretty sure this topic will have already been done to death if you search around, but basically due to a lot of applications not yet being optimised (Universal Binary) to run on Intel chips the answer is no - the Intel Macs aren't as much faster at everything as we are led to believe. You need not run out and buy a MacBook just because.

However, the Intel chips are the future, and as more and more applications become Universal Binary there will be greater and greater performance gains - not to mention the other advantages that Intel chips will bring, such as chips more suited to low heat and power environments that could possibly spawn a whole range of new and exciting products.

Enjoy your Mac :)
thanks but when do you think apple will stop supporting PPC computers and will OS 10.5 be universial?
otis123 said:
thanks but when do you think apple will stop supporting PPC computers and will OS 10.5 be universial?
The operating system is already 'Universal' - as are most of Apple's pieces of software. Some third party products, however, could take some time to make the switch - including Office and Photoshop.

PPC will be supported for years yet - Apple are still selling PowerMac G5's :)

Try not to worry about it too much, what you have is fantastic.
yea it is pertty awsome (its my first mac!) its smaller than the new macbook too! but i think i will upgrade to 1GB RAM for christmas
well i aready have 512mb and i found another 512mb stick at for $50! does the ibook have two memory slots?
if adobe and microsoft would just come up with universal patches for some of there exisiting products, i would be good to go and possibly switch. it just turns my stomach on how much money i would have to shell out to get the next version of software for all of these power pc specific apps. my imac will be just fine until i can come up with the scratch to update my apps.

kickin it old school "power pc" style
Adobe have specified that no Patch will be released only CS3 due out 07 will be Universal,(not usre about M$ Office but I doubt they will release an update patch) so if your into your Photoshop go PPC,

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