With my main gear still down in Dublin while I'm up the country for the summer, I've taken the time to set my G5 Quad up in a comfy and appealing manned. With a warm room, big solid desk and the luxury of using genuine PPC tech I have no exuses to stay away from the DAW over the next few months.
Even managed to hook up the little hardware instruments I own so my TB-3 and TR-505 are working in tandem with my mixing desk, Yamaha piano and of course all being controlled by the G5 itself. Logic Pro 9 is reliable as hell under leopard with not a single hiccup had yet.
And when I get back to my proper gear I can easily convert the demos to Logic Pro X projects and finalise them there along with my good microphone.
So if you feel like checking out my doodlings or just want to hear some authentic PowerPC audible creations, there's a sample here:
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