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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Hi, Sorry for such a dull question, but I have been unable to figure out if my Canon PowerShot A80 camera will benefit from using a higher speed compact flash card. I'm especially interested if I'll be able to take photos in more rapid succession (not expecting miracles, just some improvement).

Specifically I am wondering if I should forgo a sale on a regular SanDisk CF card in favor of a SanDisk Ultra II card. From what I've been able to gather on the 'net, the speed of the CF card is not the limiting factor on my camera (SanDisk's own site, of course, recommends the Ultra II). So, I thought I'd check with the crowd here. Thanks.


macrumors 65816
Aug 18, 2005
No, it won't make any difference. The major limiting factor for speed between taking images, startup time, and reviewing images is not the read/write speed of your memory card in this case (and most cases), it's teh processor/buffer size of your camera. The A80 is reasonably old, and I'm pretty sure the Digic I processor is the cause of the slowness you are encoutnering. I don't think a faster card will help.


Jul 11, 2006
Most Point and Shoot cameras are fairly slow, the speed only seems to slow it down when you have a camera which can take several pictures a second.
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