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Original poster
May 24, 2003
Obviously you're not a golfer.
The college i go to offers a laptop program, whihc gives you a Superdrive TiBook, a few goodies, and a bunch of design software that they pre-install onto the machine. What they do NOT do is actually give you any installation CD's for all this software that you paid. These are bulk academic licences and apparently they are not allowed to give out install CD's - you bring in your laptop and they put them on for you when there is an upate. KIND of a big problem when Photoshop needs to be reinstalled at 3 AM so you can finish a project.

so the question is, i have this TiBook, i have all this legally purchased design software (adobe, macromedia, etc..) is there anyway to make a CD of this software, so if i need to reinstall it i can???
if its a super drive you can back up all the programs to a DVD can't you? I don't know how complex the ps subsystem is.
ok...lemme ammend my question - i guess when it comes to disk images, backups, etc... i'm clueless. My understanding was that there is no way to create an "install" disk of a program from the installed program on the hard drive. In other words, i cant just copy the program folder to a CDR and be done with it. (right?) So is there a way to have a physical CD or DVD backup of all these programs? I know how to back up files just fine, but not programs :)

while we are at it, is burning a disk image to a DVD an option? how does that work? Ideally i would really like to end the day with a number of CD's or DVDs of all my important software, so i can pick and choose what needs to be re-installed should the time come.

<--so clueless.
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