Just go with pre-order and be done with it. No more dealing with any potential crowds or shortages. When it ships it ships at that point.
I think that I will do the same. I am still not too sure about which model I want.
I suspect that I will buy another once the 2nd gen iPad ships... after which the 1st gen iPad would pretty much be used in the house as an ebook reader, electronic picture frame, remote, etc. My wife would also probably take it on trips, but she is not a road warrior:
Since this iPad will only be in "real use" for the first year... I need to ask myself if I want to over-buy or not.
Choice 1 is capacity:
I have no interest in keeping any significant amount of music on the device. I always travel with my 160GB iPod, which is a better form factor than the iPad for music. About 2GB of music on the iPad would be plenty.
I would like my pictures with me, but I would prefer to have some published albums and slideshows, vs my entire unedited photo collection. Maybe 5GB of photos would be enough.
eBooks etc are quite small. I suspect a couple of GB would be more than enough... but I am not positive.
Videos: at 1-2 GB for each movie... this is the real driver of the storage needs. If I am going on a trip, I am not too sure what I will feel like watching... so I would want 1-2 dozen movies available just to give me enough choice.
From the above analysis, I do not think the 16GB model will be enough. 32GB will probably work... but I might go with the 64GB.
Choice 2 is 3G or not:
I do have a Verizon MiFi which I plan to keep, so that could easily support the iPad, albeit not as elegantly as with a built in radio.
Then there is the built in GPS... but we have in-dash GPS units in our cars, plus I already have the Tom-Tom app on my iPhone for use when traveling. The iPad would be better than the iPhone... but I need to trade that off against the fact that this Gen 1 device will only be "outside the house" for the first year before I buy Gen 2. Once that happens, this device will be used primarily inside the house where we have good WiFi coverage.
I would prefer the 3G model, but probably will not get it because of the short life of me using this device outside the house.
Bottom line: I am leaning toward the 32GB or 64GB WiFi model.