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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
New York, NY
What does anyone think about the chances of the pre-sale starting tomorrow? It's a Tuesday and seems timed about right???
He said it would be available "in March" - right?

This is now March.

Certainly possible.
I believe there will not even be any pre orders for the iPad. I mean think about it, what Jobs wants most is for people to be lining up at the apple stores at 4am in the morning to be the first to get an iPad. I mean it makes for great, free marketing :apple:
It would be a pleasant surprise if they announced preorders this week. And to know when it will launch.

But I doubt it. IF there is even a preorder, safe bet it will be in a week or two.

I'll start getting pumped next week. If there's no news by next week, then the 3rd week. Since we're on the 3rd week, one more and it will be out. :eek:


I might wait outside in line at the apple store on launch, if there isn't a preorder. I did it for the xbox 360, and I'd like to be safe and comfortable having it in my hands on launch day.
I will preorder 1 and stand in line for the second one for my wife.
If I wasn't male, i'd dream to have a hubby like you.

*comes home with a running nose from waiting outside in a freak winter mix storm for an hour*

"...Here it is honey. I wish I went earlier to get a better spot in line.. didn't expect that many people showing up.... It's here. That's. All. That. Matters."

" think you can sync it up for me?"
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