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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
Posted this elsewhere but decided to rename it. Basically I got a prepaid tmobile sidekick plan to use with my iphone. You pay $1 a day and get unlimed data all anonymously and with no contract. Mobile WAP FTW!!!
While I agree the price is GREAT-uggh I just can't imagine tethering on Edge. I do an occasional unofficial tether on 3G now and it is almost completely unbearable.

If I had to tether on Edge I think I would blow my brains out :)
So some months you'd be paying $31 for edge service? How is that good?

plus unlimited texts, no contract, no att bullsh*t

my tethering often works better than my att edge tethering did. lately its been slow but it might be my location as Im traveling
Does this still work...?

I have an unlocked 2G, and I am seriously considering the 1$/day Sidekick deal, I think it's super sweet, + I will just use fring or skype for phone calls and save cash on that. But yeah, does this work for internet?

If so can you tell me the settings that I will need to make it work?

Okay, so I checked it... and this is definitely sweet. I just changed my plan on the tmobile site and bam, internet, etc. Very cool for $1 a day. Especially with fring and skype.
I have an unlocked 2G, and I am seriously considering the 1$/day Sidekick deal, I think it's super sweet, + I will just use fring or skype for phone calls and save cash on that. But yeah, does this work for internet?

If so can you tell me the settings that I will need to make it work?

Okay, so I checked it... and this is definitely sweet. I just changed my plan on the tmobile site and bam, internet, etc. Very cool for $1 a day. Especially with fring and skype.

Get internet working

Get MMS working
I can confirm that this works. I have an iPhone 3G with a T-Mo sim and unlocked via ultrasn0w. Internet and txt works flawlessly. Would recommend to people who don't talk much on their phones but, use internet and txt constantly. :D
okay...update time. So I guess I jumped the gun a bit with claiming tethering works. I cant seem to get it to work on the prepaid plan although the carrier bundle I got from cydia claims it enables tethering. I tried to get an updated tmobile mobileconfig from but after installing my phone says I dont have a data plan, so had to uninstall. Kind of a bummer since the whole point of this (for me anyway) was to use this plan as a mobile WAP. Anyone have any ideas?

Its not all bad though. If you dont talk much, or use skype, its still a REALLY good deal. All the functions of the iphone, minus 3g, for 30 bucks a month and no freakin att contract...or any contract for that matter.
Not really sure if those work since "cellular network data" does not show up for me in 3.0. I just got the tmobile prepaid sidekick carrier bundle from cydia (modmyi repo)

The "cellular data network" tab is under settings > general > network on my iPhone running 3.0.....
mans got a point his perk is on a good month its 28 bucks and on a bad month its 31 but he gets unlmtd texting.

i on the other hand pay 9.99 for my line, 30.00 for unlimited 3g and 20.00 for unlimted text,

so thats roughly 60 bucks a month, plus minutes, but i got a way around that as well, i got the cheapest plan lmao. And i make all my calls over 3g :eek:
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