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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 12, 2010
Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I figured maybe someone knows how to do this. If I'm in the wrong place, feel free to tell me where to go. ;)

So the developer of a sticker pack my wife and I use in iMessages decided to pull his sticker pack from the app store. This means we cannot get the stickers back on new devices. We'd like to keep using the stickers we paid for in whatever limited capacity, so I was wondering if there was a way to screen grab the stickers from the device and isolate them as simple png files that we can send to each other in the way we send images.

I've tried, but the images I get are about twice the size of the ones I capture. Either the DPI rating is wrong, or it scales and looks pixellated.

Can someone offer some advice on how to do this?


macrumors 601
Sep 8, 2003
Couple thoughts:
- Is the “app” not available in your purchases list? Usually when a dev pulls an app, I can still get it from my purchases list, even on new devices. Apple has just buried it in your account page in iOS 11 with the App Store redesign.
- If you have it installed on a device, or have the ipa (too bad iTunes removed app sync), you can probably extract the images themselves instead of working with screenshots.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 12, 2010
Couple thoughts:
- Is the “app” not available in your purchases list? Usually when a dev pulls an app, I can still get it from my purchases list, even on new devices. Apple has just buried it in your account page in iOS 11 with the App Store redesign.
- If you have it installed on a device, or have the ipa (too bad iTunes removed app sync), you can probably extract the images themselves instead of working with screenshots.

Point 1: No, it's not. I spent about four hours with Apple, first in chat, then at the Apple store and finally in a call with a person who knows about all things to do with the store, and apparently, if a dev pulls their content from the store, Apple can't serve it up anymore. I have all the records of purchase, and I can prove I own it, but it's been erased from my purchase list, and it's not available anywhere. The fact that I have it at all anymore perplexed some of the folks at Apple. Bottom line is, any content bought legitimately from any part of Apple's online services from iMessages to Apps to iTunes movies can vanish at any moment without recourse to the person who bought it. It's unlikely, but it can and does happen.

Point 2: That'd be awesome, and I'd love to know how to do that. Alas, I'm no developer. I am fairly computer savvy, but I've never delved into any code from the App store, so I think screen grabs are my only recourse, sadly.

I just wanna keep using the stuff I paid for. *shrug*
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