So I ordered my Mac Pro on the 8th. It's basically stock because i didn't want to wait on the long shipping times. The only changes i made were I added bluetooth, wireless keyboard and BT mighty mouse, and i reduced the hard drive to 160GB. This config gave me a ship time of 3-5 days which i was happy with. I would have liked AE as i have wireless set up in my home, and I also would have liked to get the x1900 XT because i plan to use this for gaming every now and then, but the shipping time would have been too long to bare
. I just told myself i'd run some cables and deal with the 7300 until i needed an upgrade.
Let me say again, this machine was ordered on the 8th.... it's Still Not Here!!!
Apple probably thinks it is though. They shipped it though Same Day Right-O-Way. On Apple's website it says that it was shipped on the 16th. However, Same Day tells me that Apple released the orders much earlier than the product actually shipped. Same Day didn't receive my Mac Pro until the 27th
This really makes me mad because had i known that my order was going to take so long I would have cancelled it and added the AE and x1900 XT anyway. But Apple told me it was shipped so there was nothing i could do besides believe them.
I also have to send in the UPC codes for the free Nano by the 7th and Same Day is telling me not to expect the machine until Tuesday because Monday is a holiday (Labor Day).
I'm mad, but should I be? any advice on what i should say to Apple regarding the student nano promotion?
Let me say again, this machine was ordered on the 8th.... it's Still Not Here!!!
Apple probably thinks it is though. They shipped it though Same Day Right-O-Way. On Apple's website it says that it was shipped on the 16th. However, Same Day tells me that Apple released the orders much earlier than the product actually shipped. Same Day didn't receive my Mac Pro until the 27th
This really makes me mad because had i known that my order was going to take so long I would have cancelled it and added the AE and x1900 XT anyway. But Apple told me it was shipped so there was nothing i could do besides believe them.
I also have to send in the UPC codes for the free Nano by the 7th and Same Day is telling me not to expect the machine until Tuesday because Monday is a holiday (Labor Day).
I'm mad, but should I be? any advice on what i should say to Apple regarding the student nano promotion?