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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
After having my camera cleaned by Canon (they didn't take the lens) I realized that my dust problems were not in the camera. When I got my Camera back today I checked to make sure it was clean... The dirt is still in my viewfinder leading me to believe that it is in the lens. Is there anyway to determine this? Anyway to clean out the lens completely?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2006
Are you sure the dirt isn't in the viewfinder? Do you have another lens you could use to see if the dirt is still there? Do the dust specs actually show up in photos?

Do you know how to check for dust on the sensor? Stop down the aperture to something like f16 and take a picture of a bright, white source (I use a new Textedit document on my Mac).. That should show you dust clear as day.

Have you cleaned the rear element of the lens?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
If you're seeing spots in the viewfinder but not the image, it's guaranteed that the problem is on the mirror or the pentaprism. Don't worry about it, unless it's causing you problems with your sighting the shot.

It looks as if it is in a circular form around the corners of the viewfinder. It does not affect my shot. My only question is, why did canon not clean it?

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
Thanks so much for the help :) So it doesn't matter at this point? I am slightly obsessive when I buy new things.
The dust can usually be removed from the focusing screen with a little blower brush, but be careful it dosen't end up on the sensor. Unless it's really annoying you ..... just leave it as it is.

A wee tip to help prevent dust getting in when you are changing lenses, keep the lens mount on the camera body facing down. :)



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
The dust can usually be removed from the focusing screen with a little blower brush, but be careful it dosen't end up on the sensor. Unless it's really annoying you ..... just leave it as it is.

A wee tip to help prevent dust getting in when you are changing lenses, keep the lens mount on the camera body facing down. :)


Thanks a lot. You are so right. If it is notn affecting my shooting (the dust is not centered :) then I should leave it. i will only have it cleaned or clen it myself it bcomes an annoyance. :D
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