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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 19, 2004
i had to reinstall panther twice a while back because the screen was freaking out. but it left these two folders of "previous systems" still on my drive. so i decided what the heck i'll get rid of them. turns out there were over 180,000 stuffs in these folders. it took like half an hour to empty the trash and it gave me a bunch of gigabytes back. now over half my drive is empty. it's like a gift. just for me.
I assume when you installed Panther you did an archive & install? That will create a copy of your Home Folder on your computer.
i thought my home folder was just the users stuff. this was obviously more than just users.
It was your stuff... documents, music, movies, pictures, etc...

let's hope you also gave yourself the gift of a FireWire hard drive for backing up before you deleted those two folders...
i really don't see the need to back up that stuff. the stuff that i've felt i've needed to back up are on CDs anyway. my home directory is stil full of the stuff that's been there anyway. it seems like those system folders were just copies of everything that just got reinstalled or unmessed with anyway.
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