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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 7, 2008
Will the price of the 1st gen iphones go up on ebay since the 3g iphones aren't unlockable, also because t-mobile doesn't have 3g network. Please leave comments. THANKS!!!
I doubt they'll go anywhere but down. I just dont see ay reason for it to go down.
Well i use to have an 8gb iphone i sold it for 300 and got a 80 phone. I sold the phone for 80 and pocketed the money.

Now i am buying a 8gb iphone for 200-250 range making a profit.
iphone 1's will remain desirable and i would suspect no less than 200. Especially now firmware 2.0 is out.

People still prefer the first iphones looks to the 3g one.
I sold my first gen on ebay the day before the 3g came out for $415. Then, I was planning on getting a 3G, but when I realized it would cost me another $360 over the next two years, and I would have to restart my contract and 'free phone counter' I decided against it.

I bought another first gen phone for $175 off of craigslist the day the 3Gs came out, and they are currently selling for about $350 on ebay.

I see them staying about the same as they are right now.
An unlocked/jailbroken 16gb in good condition seems to be going for $400 - $600 on ebay.
Yes the phone is newly refurbished and all the accessories are brand new sealed. The phone is unlocked and is an 8gb.
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