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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Western Australia
I race radio controlled cars, and also take photo's, have a site, etc. (with a friend)..

We're finding that people are slow or reluctant to purchase pictures off the site after a big event... Perhaps the excitement has worn off by then.

We're thinking about setting up a track-side printing setup.. so we can snap a few thousand pics, and then let racer's choose what they want, and print then and there, then sell for a low price. Say $5 or $10 aus.

We need something affordable, not overly professional, it's just an amature outfit here.. we dont have a business as such (yet). so it's all purely hobby.

Printer will be running off probably my MBP, and also mate's 'PC' laptop. (either)

If you want to see some of the stuff we're shooting, check out

we're about to re-do our site, make it a little more user friendly, and get a decent online quote/ordering system running, one day! hahaha

not really out to make much cash, just more hobby than anything (the r/c racing, and the photography)..

most of the pics on the site at the mo are shot with Rob's Canon 20D... however I plan to get in on the action soon (if i can get away from the racing for 5 mins! I'm a state champion... hahaha)

suggestions/advice welcome!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Western Australia

can anyone recommend an 'ON LOCATION' printing solution?

say I'm at a race track, or sporting event, and want to print and sell prints, there and then...




macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
What about just a simple Epson R300 or similar photo printer? Produces great prints for me. I don't see why it wouldn't work outside of the office.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
How about have a display set up and have an order form? So when each race is over, the racers can select a photo and buy it. Then you ship it to them a week later. I would think this promotes more business and excitement.

1. After the race excitement wears off, they get a second "boost" when the prints arrive at their house.

2. You get double exposure to your work. Instead of seeing you once at a race, they see you once at the race and then they get a very strong reminder when the prints come. IIRC, it takes an average of 3 to 4 times of seeing your work/name for people to remember and hold interest.

3. You can properly process and print using a professional lab after the race with your logo/watermark and hence more exposure and better quality photos.

P.S. Your website isn't working for me.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Western Australia
Thanks for your feedback.

the site is down this weekend as the server room it is being hosted in is undergoing some upgrades to it's power system, so we decided to completely unplug it during these 'works', it will be back online tommorow (monday)

that ip90 looks pretty decent :)
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