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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2006
New York, New York
Hiya everyone,

I have been a Mac user for just about a year and a half now, and have loved nearly every minute of the Mac experience. However, there was one thing I could do with Windows that I can't figure out how to do (if it's even possible) for the life of me. That one thing is printing a selection of text (from a web page, document, etc.).

Currently, I have to select what I want to print, copy it, open TextEdit, paste the text, then print it.

I would love it if someone could tell me how to print a selection of text, or at least let me know that it's not possible in OS X (though that might change in Leopard).

Try Print Selection...haven't used it myself, but it looks promising. Note that it's PPC only...not sure if there's an Intel version/equivalent. (It appears that you'll be fine with the PPC version, but I wanted to mention it in case any Intel folks see this thread.)
This still uses TextEdit, but it's a little quicker... Select the text to print, and go to your Services menu to open it in TextEdit (see the screenshot below).


  • textedit.jpg
    146.2 KB · Views: 191
Thanks guys, both of those really help!

My mom is also looking for a way to print selections, but unfortunately, she has an Intel iMac. I'll show her the "Safari>Services>TextEdit>New Window Containing Selection" technique though.

If anyone else reading this topic has anything else to contribute (especially an Intel Mac plug-in), feel free to do so!
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