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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 8, 2016

I was hoping that there would be a genius out there somewhere that would be able to help me!

The basics of my problem is that I'm trying to print some photo's for a wedding album at home - I wasn't going to, but then I experimented and printed out an absolutely stunning photo, beautiful quality and everything. I didn't think any more of it, but now I just can't seem to replicate that same printing quality, and find the settings that I used before. I've been trying so many different options.

I'm using my MacBook Pro, later 2013 model, using iPhoto [where the original photo was also printed], and a Canon printer, with all Canon inks and matt paper. I feel like I've tried every setting going, but am just at a loss here. I usually pride myself on being able to sort these problems out, but this is really stumping me!

I've [hopefully] included a photo of what I'm talking about. The small photo is an example, but I did originally print that at almost A4 size and it was that great image that I was talking about initially. The one on the right is just an example of how they are coming out, all the time. It can be done!

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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