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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 2, 2016
Wasatch Valley
I have a teacher with a MacBook Pro running Mavericks. She found that many of her documents that included text with pictures, whether it be from Word, or Preview, or any other application, stopped printing parts of the document. For example, she had pictures and text (some of the text was stretched) in a Word document, and when she went to print it, the text would not print. It didn't even show in the preview pane, so it was obvious it wasn't going to print. Even if she saved the document as a PDF, it would save it with the same elements missing.

She tried printing on 4 different network printers (so it wasn't a driver issue) with the same bad results.

She had to send the document to someone else to have them print it, and they had no trouble printing from their similar MBP to the same printers she had been trying. All parts of the document printed fine.

I searched all the forums and have not seen anything similar, so am posting what I found to work.

I first removed her main printer and re-added it in all the varying protocols. That did not help. I checked for updates, and she was all up to date. I then reset her printing system (from System Prefs>Printers & Scanners> r. click on the word "printers" just above your list of printers). That removed all her printers, of course (but I took a screen shot before so I could add them back). Unfortunately, not even that helped.

I then logged out of her network user account and logged into my network account. I could print without issue! So I knew it had to be a user profile thing.

Heres's what worked:

From my user account I went into Terminal and changed the name of her /User/[name]/Library to /User/[name]/old.Library. When I logged back into her account, it created a new Library.

Upon checking her printing issue again, the problem was solved!!

However, I wanted to put back her original Library and her preferences, so I did so systematically, a few folders at a time. After I was complete, not a single folder caused the problem to reappear. Go figure!

Hope this will help someone else down the road.
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