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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2018
So the Title summarises my experience so far with Apple and it all started with a faulty product that was getting replaced.

I was having graphic card issues on a Late 2015 MacBook Pro 15" which I purchased last year and was happy about because it was my first Apple product. I called AppleCare to discuss this issue and look at getting it repaired as it was impacting my usability of the MacBook Pro. They decided to replace the unit with a newer model as they can't replace it with the one I had as they don't sell these anymore. Which I was okay to do. They sent me USB-C to USB cables and other adapters to make up for the fact that my old model has USB ports and I needed these.

The Senior advisor I was speaking with from AppleCare showed me the computer online and I was happy with it and we proceeded with this process. I sent my computer back and get an email saying the computer would be sent and they gave me the tracking numbers from DHL to track it. I noticed in the email it said "Silver" and thought to myself hold on, are their different colours to these computers like the phones? I went online and looked and sure enough there are different colours "Space Grey" and "Silver" I called apple and told them I thought I would be getting the grey one and they said they can change it and it should be okay so he submitted another request and canceled the other one.

I didn't have any reply for a couple days. I received a phone call on my mobile phone one day from a number overseas from where I am and it rang for 1 second and I didn't have anytime to pick it up.

I called back the number to discover Apple tried to call me, but I didn't have time to speak to Apple as I was working at the time. I waited until later that day. I start getting text messages from my parents saying that they don't want anything to do with my affairs or my computer repairs or anything to do with my stuff and told me to stop giving their number out.

I thought that was odd, I never provided Apple my parents phone number for this AppleCare case number I was getting help with. I asked them to send me a photo of the number which they did and it was the same one that called me earlier today. I checked my Apple ID details on and all my billing information and couldn't see this number anywhere to do with my account so I called Apple regarding this and spoke with advisors and after it was confirmed by a Senior Advisor that an Apple employee tried to call me and somehow had this number. I thought thats strange and how did they get this number when I haven't given Apple this number at all.

It eventually got passed to a Customer Relations Advisor who said they are looking into this situation for me and will get back to me soon.

a few days past and I didn't have any word from Apple regarding an employee who breached my Privacy by contacting someone without my permission to do with my repair. I received an email from DHL saying the MacBook Pro was marked as delivered and signed for by me and at this point I wasn't home or anywhere near home and I rushed home because I knew if they have left it on the street or at the front door its not a very safe place for it.

I got home to discover that there was no courier package awaiting me. I called the courier company and asked them why this item has been delivered when nobody was home to sign for it and there isn't a call card to say they were here.

the DHL representative said "they will investigate this and call the driver to find out why this item has been delivered when it hasn't" they called the driver and he said he gave it to someone called Micky and they signed for it on my behalf.

I said to them that it's impossible as I don't know anyone by the name of Micky that lives near my house not only that my grandmother who I live with was also out at that time so she wouldn't of been home either and thats the only other person that would sign for things. the DHL representative said they will follow up and see where this package has gone.

I received an email from Apple saying my MacBook Pro 15" Silver had been delivered and it was from the person who called my parents number. I replied back saying that the computer hadn't been delivered and that I thought I was getting a grey one. Jason ignored my emails. I was receiving calls from DHL hourly giving me updates it was basically the same lady saying the same thing "Hi this is *** from DHL express, Im just calling you back regarding your shipment, we are still trying to locate this and we will continue to give you updates on this, we apologise for any inconvenience" and it was the same thing every time.

Eventually she discovered this was an Apple shipment and said that I need to contact Apple directly to investigate this as its out of her hands now. So I called Apple and spoke with Customer relations again regarding this and they said they will look into this and contact DHL to find out why this has happened. a few more days past and I was in contact with Roxan from Apple. She advised me because Jason is the one that is from the team that sends the units out she has to contact him to find out where this is gone and start a investigation with DHL regarding them losing this shipment. I let her know that Jason didn't seem to want to help and was ignoring my emails, he also violated my privacy by contacting someone else without my permission. She said she will try her best to follow this up for me and said for me to go looking for the MacBook Pro around my neighbourhood and see if anyone has collected it.

This was nearing Christmas and most people went away at this time of the year. So several days past and Roxan was giving me regular updates and eventually I found the MacBook Pro my neighbour was given it by some stranger who was walking around and they had opened it and started using it.

I contacted Apple again and informed them that I have found the computer but It's been used by someone else and there aren't any boxes.

They took me to customer relations senior advisor Caroline and she said she will look into getting to the bottom of this. and left me with that. I received a call a few days later by Jason and he apologised for calling my parents number and violating my privacy and said he's going to be ordering me a new computer as I didn't receive a box with this one I had and he will change the colour to Space Grey.

I asked him how he had the number because I never had this anywhere on my Apple ID. He said his system sometimes generates random numbers and he will be taking precautions to make sure to double check the contact details next time.

He will also be looking at sending me a gift as a way to say sorry for the shipping issue. Months past without a computer eventually received the replacement and was offered AirPods as a way to say sorry. Which I received, a few days past and Caroline called back and she was really rude on the phone to me I mentioned to her that she didn't get back to tell me what she was going to do to make up for the privacy breach and to assure that this will never happen again to anyone.

She said from Apples stance we have already made up for the privacy breach, I said to her well I don't feel assured that no other customer is going to experience the same thing that has happened to me. She started to raise her voice on the phone and said that Apple's final answer is we wont do anything more than what we have done so far I asked to speak to her manager because I feel like she isn't taking this concern seriously. She said she's apart of the management team and she speaks for the whole of Apple. I said I think I need to speak to.... she hung up. I don't trust Apple anymore as a company as it clearly doesn't have anyone in the management team that clearly follow the company values and goals "At Apple, our customers’ trust means everything to us. We will never stop working to earn and maintain it. We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support — and we will never forget that or take it for granted."


macrumors member
Oct 4, 2008
So the Title summarises my experience so far with Apple and it all started with a faulty product that was getting replaced.

I was having graphic card issues on a Late 2015 MacBook Pro 15" which I purchased last year and was happy about because it was my first Apple product. I called AppleCare to discuss this issue and look at getting it repaired as it was impacting my usability of the MacBook Pro. They decided to replace the unit with a newer model as they can't replace it with the one I had as they don't sell these anymore. Which I was okay to do. They sent me USB-C to USB cables and other adapters to make up for the fact that my old model has USB ports and I needed these.

The Senior advisor I was speaking with from AppleCare showed me the computer online and I was happy with it and we proceeded with this process. I sent my computer back and get an email saying the computer would be sent and they gave me the tracking numbers from DHL to track it. I noticed in the email it said "Silver" and thought to myself hold on, are their different colours to these computers like the phones? I went online and looked and sure enough there are different colours "Space Grey" and "Silver" I called apple and told them I thought I would be getting the grey one and they said they can change it and it should be okay so he submitted another request and canceled the other one.

I didn't have any reply for a couple days. I received a phone call on my mobile phone one day from a number overseas from where I am and it rang for 1 second and I didn't have anytime to pick it up.

I called back the number to discover Apple tried to call me, but I didn't have time to speak to Apple as I was working at the time. I waited until later that day. I start getting text messages from my parents saying that they don't want anything to do with my affairs or my computer repairs or anything to do with my stuff and told me to stop giving their number out.

I thought that was odd, I never provided Apple my parents phone number for this AppleCare case number I was getting help with. I asked them to send me a photo of the number which they did and it was the same one that called me earlier today. I checked my Apple ID details on and all my billing information and couldn't see this number anywhere to do with my account so I called Apple regarding this and spoke with advisors and after it was confirmed by a Senior Advisor that an Apple employee tried to call me and somehow had this number. I thought thats strange and how did they get this number when I haven't given Apple this number at all.

It eventually got passed to a Customer Relations Advisor who said they are looking into this situation for me and will get back to me soon.

a few days past and I didn't have any word from Apple regarding an employee who breached my Privacy by contacting someone without my permission to do with my repair. I received an email from DHL saying the MacBook Pro was marked as delivered and signed for by me and at this point I wasn't home or anywhere near home and I rushed home because I knew if they have left it on the street or at the front door its not a very safe place for it.

I got home to discover that there was no courier package awaiting me. I called the courier company and asked them why this item has been delivered when nobody was home to sign for it and there isn't a call card to say they were here.

the DHL representative said "they will investigate this and call the driver to find out why this item has been delivered when it hasn't" they called the driver and he said he gave it to someone called Micky and they signed for it on my behalf.

I said to them that it's impossible as I don't know anyone by the name of Micky that lives near my house not only that my grandmother who I live with was also out at that time so she wouldn't of been home either and thats the only other person that would sign for things. the DHL representative said they will follow up and see where this package has gone.

I received an email from Apple saying my MacBook Pro 15" Silver had been delivered and it was from the person who called my parents number. I replied back saying that the computer hadn't been delivered and that I thought I was getting a grey one. Jason ignored my emails. I was receiving calls from DHL hourly giving me updates it was basically the same lady saying the same thing "Hi this is *** from DHL express, Im just calling you back regarding your shipment, we are still trying to locate this and we will continue to give you updates on this, we apologise for any inconvenience" and it was the same thing every time.

Eventually she discovered this was an Apple shipment and said that I need to contact Apple directly to investigate this as its out of her hands now. So I called Apple and spoke with Customer relations again regarding this and they said they will look into this and contact DHL to find out why this has happened. a few more days past and I was in contact with Roxan from Apple. She advised me because Jason is the one that is from the team that sends the units out she has to contact him to find out where this is gone and start a investigation with DHL regarding them losing this shipment. I let her know that Jason didn't seem to want to help and was ignoring my emails, he also violated my privacy by contacting someone else without my permission. She said she will try her best to follow this up for me and said for me to go looking for the MacBook Pro around my neighbourhood and see if anyone has collected it.

This was nearing Christmas and most people went away at this time of the year. So several days past and Roxan was giving me regular updates and eventually I found the MacBook Pro my neighbour was given it by some stranger who was walking around and they had opened it and started using it.

I contacted Apple again and informed them that I have found the computer but It's been used by someone else and there aren't any boxes.

They took me to customer relations senior advisor Caroline and she said she will look into getting to the bottom of this. and left me with that. I received a call a few days later by Jason and he apologised for calling my parents number and violating my privacy and said he's going to be ordering me a new computer as I didn't receive a box with this one I had and he will change the colour to Space Grey.

I asked him how he had the number because I never had this anywhere on my Apple ID. He said his system sometimes generates random numbers and he will be taking precautions to make sure to double check the contact details next time.

He will also be looking at sending me a gift as a way to say sorry for the shipping issue. Months past without a computer eventually received the replacement and was offered AirPods as a way to say sorry. Which I received, a few days past and Caroline called back and she was really rude on the phone to me I mentioned to her that she didn't get back to tell me what she was going to do to make up for the privacy breach and to assure that this will never happen again to anyone.

She said from Apples stance we have already made up for the privacy breach, I said to her well I don't feel assured that no other customer is going to experience the same thing that has happened to me. She started to raise her voice on the phone and said that Apple's final answer is we wont do anything more than what we have done so far I asked to speak to her manager because I feel like she isn't taking this concern seriously. She said she's apart of the management team and she speaks for the whole of Apple. I said I think I need to speak to.... she hung up. I don't trust Apple anymore as a company as it clearly doesn't have anyone in the management team that clearly follow the company values and goals "At Apple, our customers’ trust means everything to us. We will never stop working to earn and maintain it. We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support — and we will never forget that or take it for granted."

Compared to some other tech companies Apple is known to take privacy more seriously. Try:
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