If you don't understand what something is used for, it's best not to mess with it. You don't need to "clean" or "maintain" your Mac, as I stated in another thread you posted about .DS_Store files. OS X does that automatically.
Its part of OSX and to be honest, its where most people shouldn't worry about "cleaning up" For system folders, if you're not 1,000% sure of it is, then don't delete it.
If you don't understand what something is used for, it's best not to mess with it. You don't need to "clean" or "maintain" your Mac, as I stated in another thread you posted about .DS_Store files. OS X does that automatically.
Way way too many people have removed files/directories that they think are "not needed" and wound up with a mess, ranging from apps not running to system not even booting. as GJ says, if you don't know..don't do it.