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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 16, 2020
Hey y’all hope u guys doing okay in these hard times.

Well, like a month ago i woke up and went to the studio and push the power button but macbook pro 2017 didn’t open or anything.

First i thought it got wet because there was a little sprite on my working desk. Tried all of those drying methods on the web. But it was nothing.

After like 2 weeks later i took it and hit slowly behind it while charge cable is plugged. It was suddenly opened and all of the buttons were working, i even watched a video as a test. Everything was ok But the charge didn’t exceed 1(while cable is plugged and the battery icon on the screen has a light sign). And then it was suddenly closed as it opened. And won’t opened again until today. Exactly same things happened and it closed again.

What can i do about this problem?
-thanks in advance for your helps.
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