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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 16, 2011
Hey guys, I just moved to a mac pro and I use a Trendnet TEW-644UB adapter to connect to internet because the computer didn't come with the antenna.
My problem is every single time I open pro tools, logic or final cut I get disconnected from the internet. The USBwirelessUtility wont see my adapter.
It's weird because I didn't have any problems before with the PPC.

Does anyone knows how to fix this? I already got all the latest drives from Trendnet but it din not fix the issue

Please let me know

buy a cable at the store, its cheaper and faster

what cable? ethernet? Im not close from the router and I have no speed problems. Every time I open any audio program my adapter dissapears
Which Mac Pro do you have?

If you have an airport card already, you might solve reception by rearranging the internal antennas.

If you don't have an airport card already, I'd get one and attach it to the existing antennas instead of using this third party unit that apparently has flaky support.
Which Mac Pro do you have?

If you have an airport card already, you might solve reception by rearranging the internal antennas.

If you don't have an airport card already, I'd get one and attach it to the existing antennas instead of using this third party unit that apparently has flaky support.

unfortunately I don't have an aiport card or antenna. That's why I have this usb adapter to get the signal from my router. My mac is a mac pro intel xenon 2.66 dual. I think it's also called a mac pro 1.1
All Mac Pros come with an antenna; if you look at the underside of the Mac Pro there is a grey piece of plastic; that's the antenna. All you have to do is buy an Airport card and install it yourself. The card is about $50.
And USB adapters are terrible. Utter crud. I've even seen people use USB adapters for monitors. Crazy. USB everything!!!
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