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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 8, 2011
Hi folks,

So I read a lot of PDFs and like to ‘zoom’ into the margins and then handwrite notes using the Apple pencil.

My problem - I have noticed that when using the stock reader/markup tool (accessed via files, notes, Mail, etc.) my handwritten text becomes distorted the instant that a letter is drawn - as if it was not designed to permit markups on zoomed PDFs. The outputted text does not resemble what was actually drawn. Lines appears fuzzy and shapes become distorted as the pencil moves across the PDF.

When using other PDF markup tools (e.g. PDF Expert, OneNote, GoodNotes, etc.), this problem is non-existent, with markups looking exactly as expected in a zoomed state. I have attached a screenshot demonstrating the striking difference between the default tool and other tools (yes, that is a W and not a U!).

My question - does anyone know why this might be happening in the default iOS PDF reader, and perhaps more importantly, how it can be remedied? The obvious answer is to simply use third-party apps...however, I actually much prefer to use the default app (via Apple Notes) as it suits my workflow better.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I think you nailed it. Maybe it will be improved in iOS 12.
This is what I figured...but I could not help but wonder whether others might also be experiencing this...and maybe, just maybe, someone has found some obscure and magical toggle hidden away in the bowels of the settings app. :eek:
I think we all experience it. We know Apple made some improvements to markup in iOS 12 and macOS Mojave. Perhaps this will also be fixed.
An update - I bit the bullet and installed the beta...the shortcoming persists.

Le sigh...
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