I just ripped season 1 of Supernatural, and used an older version (0.9.2) of Handbrake to encode the first DVD, and then for some reason let it run the update to 0.9.4, and then encoded the last 5 DVDs. I noticed the file sizes were much smaller then with the previous version (about 400MB versus 900MB), but the m4v files it made played fine in Quicktime. After MetaXing them all, and adding them to the iTunes library on my AppleTV server, only the first 4 episodes will play on my AppleTV. All the episodes are listed, and show the tag info, and act like they are playing, but the screen is just blank. Same thing if I try to play them in Quicktime. The only thing different between the files was the version of Handbrake. The weird thing is the files will play in QT before I MetaXed them. I'm using an older version of MetaX (2.3.0) because my ATV server is only running Panther. Would a newer version not cause this? Thanks -