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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm having a problem converting a 720P MKV (AC3) file to MP4 (Stereo) in Handbrake. It seems after about 30-40% Handbrake just shuts down by itself without. I'll post the settings I am using below, hopefully someone can offer a bit of insight.



P.S. - I don't care about getting 5.1; I just want stereo sound seeing as I watch all my movies on my iMac.
Handbrake is pretty flaky with MKV conversion. I'd say 30% of mine would fail. Supposedly the next release will be more stable.
Download and build the latest version from svn, I've had no problem converting from mkv. Just don't expect to get any support on the handbrake forums for the development builds. Take a look around the forums and the handbrake wiki for instructions for building from svn.
Handbrake is pretty flaky with MKV conversion. I'd say 30% of mine would fail. Supposedly the next release will be more stable.

Any idea on when the next release will come? It seems like I'm having 100% fail rate encoding with all of my MKV files.

P11: You can watch MKV files on your iMac without having to convert them. Download the latest Perian and open the file with QT and that should solve your problems.
Handbrake is pretty flaky with MKV conversion. I'd say 30% of mine would fail. Supposedly the next release will be more stable.
not supposedly. it *will* be. ffmpeg (the library used to decode video, that almost every free video program uses), has a bug on mac that screws up H.264 decoding on Core 2 Duo+ processors. All of your MKVs that you've painstakingly ripped from Blu-Ray have H.264 in them, hence the link.
BTW, it looks from your screenshots like you need to update your built in presets if those screenies are from hb 0.9.3. Those are 0.9.2's presets.
not supposedly. it *will* be. ffmpeg (the library used to decode video, that almost every free video program uses), has a bug on mac that screws up H.264 decoding on Core 2 Duo+ processors. All of your MKVs that you've painstakingly ripped from Blu-Ray have H.264 in them, hence the link.

Anyway around this or just SOL?
Thanks, luckily I found Emmgunn's latest post so I have begun encoding/remuxing a MKV to a MP4 with MKVTools.

How is the quality when converting? I want to convert my Blu Ray mkv rips to mp4 so i can watch them on my HDTV through Apple TV.. Is it good enough quality for that?
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