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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
I have an iPhone 6s, and I've been using my headphones for a while. But now when ever I want to plug in an adaptor or headphones nothing will play out of them. It says it's playing, and it's all the way up, but there is absolutely no sound. It works with Bluetooth and it plays out of my phone speaker, but doesn't work with adapters or headphones. What's wrong?


Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
Hmmm... well first, and this may seem obvious, but reset your phone. If it still does it, try a full-on restore through iTunes. If it still does it, then it's likely not a software problem at that point but rather a hardware one.

Are you near an Apple store? Even if it's not under warranty anymore, a Genius should still be able to tell you what's wrong with it for free (if you're nice to them :)). If I remember my Intro to Computer Engineering course correctly, the audio jack sits on the logic board of the iPhone. It can't be the entire logic board because then you'd have many more and much bigger problems. Perhaps it lost its physical connection to it, though. All of this can be determined by the proper technician taking a look at it (such as a Genius or Geek Squad agent). But try the simple, at-home software fixes first and see what happens.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
Hmmm... well first, and this may seem obvious, but reset your phone. If it still does it, try a full-on restore through iTunes. If it still does it, then it's likely not a software problem at that point but rather a hardware one.

Are you near an Apple store? Even if it's not under warranty anymore, a Genius should still be able to tell you what's wrong with it for free (if you're nice to them :)). If I remember my Intro to Computer Engineering course correctly, the audio jack sits on the logic board of the iPhone. It can't be the entire logic board because then you'd have many more and much bigger problems. Perhaps it lost its physical connection to it, though. All of this can be determined by the proper technician taking a look at it (such as a Genius or Geek Squad agent). But try the simple, at-home software fixes first and see what happens.

When you say reset do you mean turn it off? or reset as in erase everything

macrumors regular
Nov 25, 2015
restarting the phone,and try it again, maybe try another headphones
Other ways take it to your nearest Apple service center


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
restarting the phone,and try it again, maybe try another headphones
Other ways take it to your nearest Apple service center
I've used other sets of headphones, and I've also used adapters to cars, and radios and such, but it still doesn't work.
Just turning it off and on again. And if it still does it do a full restore through iTunes.
how do I do a full restore through ITunes?

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
I had this happen with my iPhone 4 within the first year of having it. The port just went bad for whatever reason. The Genius Bar just gave me a replacement after checking for water damage.


Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
This is the official step-by-step guide from Apple: It requires you to go through iTunes though, so if do not own or have access to a desktop-class PC or Mac, you can do it from your phone by doing this: Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.

However, if at all possible, try and prioritize the iTunes method because I believe it's a little more powerful restore. Goes down to the kernel level and whatnot. I could be totally wrong. But I think just doing it on your phone simply erases your content which may not fix your problem.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
This is the official step-by-step guide from Apple: It requires you to go through iTunes though, so if do not own or have access to a desktop-class PC or Mac, you can do it from your phone by doing this: Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.

However, if at all possible, try and prioritize the iTunes method because I believe it's a little more powerful restore. Goes down to the kernel level and whatnot. I could be totally wrong. But I think just doing it on your phone simply erases your content which may not fix your problem.
so it will erase everything..?
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