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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2018
Hi all
I'm new to this sight and wondered if anyone could help with an annoying mistake I made in WORD for Mac 2011.
I have accidentally overwritten an important document and I note that in later version of WORD there is a REVERT function which allows you to browse previous versions and save as necessary. This does not appear in my version of WORD and wondered how it was done in that version - back then.
Would really appreciate the help
Best wishes


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
If you overwrote a document in Word 2011 and you did not have "always make a backup" turned on in preferences, your document is likely gone forever. Are you using Time Machine and do you have it set to make hourly backups? Any backup at all?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 6, 2018
Many thanks. I fear the worst then. I do use Time Machine and the backup drive was plugged in for the final save of the lost document, yet when I checked the latest backup of WORD document it was the old version sitting there.
I think the problem is probably that I looked at a version of the file that I had previously emailed to someone as an attachment and saved it over the top of the new version. Sigh! Looks like another day of editing!
Many thanks again for your help.
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