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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 22, 2020
So my 2020 Intel MBP was charging overnight, I flip it open, get black screen. Oops. Click trackpad, and I get the 'your system is restarting due to a problem, mwah mwah mwah.' Diagnostics say 'no issues.' What causes this? Here's the crash report minus a ton of code. Only seen this one or twice in 3.25 yrs.

{"roots_installed":0,"caused_by":"bridgeos","macos_version":"Mac OS X 14.1.1 (23B81)","os_version":"Bridge OS 8.1 (21P1069)","macos_system_state":"running","incident_id":"2422D2E8-1993-4D66-995C-5D2C6B2BD22D","bridgeos_roots_installed":0,"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-11-26 17:13:45.00 +0000"}
If a rare occurrence, I wouldn’t worry. BridgeOS is embedded OS that runs on the T2 chip, managing the Secure Enclave (fingerprints, etc) and the Touchbar. If this happens frequently, the BridgeOS software could be corrupted or Touchbar LCD failing. There is a very complicated procedure to reinstall the BridgeOS software as a last resort. Otherwise, just reboot and move on.
Oh yes, maybe third time total. I just wondered why it did this. I can't attach the .ips file here.
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