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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2008
What settings need to be changed to send email when on wi-fi? I have cwmx as the outgoing server,but if I'm on wi-fi,i can't send mail - I'm guessing because cwmx will only pass email from it's ip address range.
Is this a personal e-mail using a custom URL?

Because of ISP restictions on e-mail I had to set my personal e-mail on my iPhone up differently for home-wifi than for AT&T 3G.

In other words, I had to chose which one I wanted to work and which one to not work! I set it to work with 3G and just turned wifi off when I wanted to check e-mail. Major pain.

I eventually gave up and switched to gmail. My ISP knows what gmail is and allows it to work without the special settings other e-mail services are required to have, so now I can get and send e-mail no matter what network I'm on.

So, bottom line: I never got my own e-mail to work. After 3 months of trying I gave up and used gmail instead.

Sorry :(
I actually have 2 outgoing servers configured. for 3g times, and (my home isp) for when I'm on home wi-fi.

When on wi-fi, it *might* send, but it can take a very long time. I'm guessing it has to fail out of trying the before it rolls over to try the other one.

I hoped there was a better way of setting this up so that it always works - I don't know how it would react if I'm on a wi-fi network other than at home.

I have thought about the gmail solution, but haven't tried it yet.
Charter won't let you to send from other than your own IP, so I have my first choice as charter, and then the AT&T server. But I had the same long send times as you on my home wifi. It was fixed when I reset my router and modem. Now it sends within two or three seconds. Cwmx still takes a good minute, though.
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