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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 19, 2008
Before this upgrade, I've never had issues viewing hidden files, but after I enable it once, I'm not able to enable it again until I do a restart.

I use the usual:
"defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" to show hidden files, and
"defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE" to hide them again, followed by "killall Finder". Any ideas for why the command works great the first time but isn't showing hidden files again once I hide them?

I think you want ".finder" rather than ".Finder":
"defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE"

Both .plists exist, but it's the ".finder" that normally contains the hidden files flag.

You may have added the flag to both plists, which may be slightly confusing your Mac.
I use Totalfinder which is shareware but offers a user interface toggle for showing hidden files. I wind up leaving it off most of the time because of the [insert cuss word here] .ds_store files. If I have folders sorted by modification date, I keep getting "snapped" to the top of a list every time OSX updates the [insert another cuss word here] .ds_store file.

BTW totalfinder is available as part of a bundle this week on MacUpdate.
Here's the AppleScript I wrote for this purpose. It's free:
set buttonpressed to button returned of (display dialog "Show Hidden Files?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})

	if the buttonpressed is "No" then do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles OFF"
	if the buttonpressed is "Yes" then do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON"
	do shell script "killall Finder"
end try
Wow, that was it (, thank you so much! I have aliases in my .profile so I just have to type "show" or "hide" in terminal, but I like the script idea too. Where do you save the script to be able to run it?
Here's the AppleScript I wrote for this purpose. It's free:
set buttonpressed to button returned of (display dialog "Show Hidden Files?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})

	if the buttonpressed is "No" then do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles OFF"
	if the buttonpressed is "Yes" then do shell script "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON"
	do shell script "killall Finder"
end try

Thanks! This was helpful.
Before I had a script in my Dock for each but this solution is more elegant.
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