iPhone 6s Plus here running the latest iOS 11.0.3 (or whatever the newest version is). Since installing iOS 11, my phone no longer likes to charge. Here's what I've been able to come up with:
Will charge when it is connected to the charger in the car.
Will charge when connected to computer.
Will charge when connected to an external battery.
Will NOT charge when connected to any wall outlet that I've tried it on. Sometimes the charging icon is there but the actual percentage will not increase. Or will increase by 1 or 2% over long periods of time and then drop 5% instantly upon use. Anyone seen this before or no what the issue might be?
Will charge when it is connected to the charger in the car.
Will charge when connected to computer.
Will charge when connected to an external battery.
Will NOT charge when connected to any wall outlet that I've tried it on. Sometimes the charging icon is there but the actual percentage will not increase. Or will increase by 1 or 2% over long periods of time and then drop 5% instantly upon use. Anyone seen this before or no what the issue might be?